I know it's history already... but I am still proud of the pictures I took during the Canon PhotoMarathon 2005. It spiked my creativity in me and I approached the topics with an alternative mindset. To think out of the box is difficult... and to stand out from the 400 plus contestants is already an achievement for me...
Theme 1 : World In Motion
Well I thought... I needed something to contrast motion... so a few ideas were going through my mind... a turning globe? go to the airport to take the turning signboard? take a mum holding a daughter's hand preparing to cross a busy road? Well then I saw this image at Novena Square.... a Wheelchair bound person selling sweepstakes tickets... well I took a snapshot quickly and feeling guilty, I passed him a $5 note as a token.
My first picture got shortlisted for the top 10. I didn't win anything but it was very inspiring.
Theme 2 : Child's Play
Inspired by the first winning entry, I tried to do a different shot. I tried to contrast a Lego building set with a actual construction site in the background. Too bad the idea didn't work out for the judges... but nevertheless I still feel proud of this picture. Maybe I shouldn't have blurred the backgound.....
Theme 3 : Fashion in Action

Didn't wanted to take the usual shot, I went home to take my clothes in the washing machine.... Fashion = My clothes.... Action = Moving in the washing machine.... Cool? Not so I think...
Didn't managed to join the Canon PhotoMarathon 2006 because I got to cover my friend's ROM on that day... Certainly looking forward to the Canon PhotoMarathon 2007....
See you there! If you see me... just come over to say Hi!