Have been doing housskeeping on my harddisk and discovered my Perth pictures. The visit to Perth brought back fond memories. We went there to visit my brother who is studying there. What makes it more special is that my wife was carrying Keziah in her tummy. Just want to share some pictures I took from Perth.

Kings Park. Perth's most iconic visitor attraction, Kings Park offers a truly unique experience with natural bushland, tranquil park areas, native birds and stunning panoramic views of the city and Swan River

I managed to capture a sleeping girl at the war memorial. I find this picture meaningful as it showcased the peace shown by the sleeping girl in contrast to those who have given their lives and died in search for peace.

Fishing at the habour anybody?

Some abstrat shots of bicycles

An interesting sign board warning of Uneven Surface. Don't blame the floor for being uneven. You were pre warned!

Seagulls by the habour.

Famous Busselton Jetty

Famous Blue houses @ Busselton Jetty

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